International Legal Affairs and Human Resources
Discover all the information related to Legal Affairs, International Affairs and Human Resources by visiting the official portal of the Government of Andorra.
Informació sobre el Departament d'Afers Jurídics Internacionals i Recursos Humans
Cristina Mota Gouveia
The Department of International Legal Affairs and Human Resources guarantees to the Government the coordination of the international legal affairs, as well as the internal management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its human resources.
The Legal Affairs’ team is in charge of:
- The legal advice in any matter of international law that falls within the competence of the Government.
- The adoption of international conventions and participation in negotiations where appropriate. Convenis internacionals
- The Apostille and legalisation of documents: Legalisation of documents
- The processing of requests for international judicial cooperation (mutual legal assistance and extradition commissions).
Likewise, the Area of General and Legal Affairs guarantees:
- The transversal administrative management of the Ministry.
- The budgetary and accounting management of the Ministry (central services and diplomatic missions).
- The management of human resources:
- Ministry staff management.
- Job training management: creating and developing the training plan provided by the Llei 11/2019, del 15 de febrer, del servei d’acció exterior i de la carrera diplomàtica.
- Mobility management: in application of the regulations governing the mobility of diplomatic agents.
- Hiring procedures in progress which can be found in the following link: Treballa amb nosaltres
- The management of communications and publications, whichcan be found in the following link: Publications