Informació sobre el Departament d'Afers Multilaterals i Cooperació

Florència Aleix Lartigue


The Department of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation coordinates and implements Andorran foreign policy in international organizations, and promotes actions regarding international cooperation. It also provides information about international organizations to other ministries and to the public and promotes participation.

The Department works constantly in cooperation with the Andorran diplomatic missions and follows through them the activities of the international organizations.

The Department organizes and prepares the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs at high level meetings, and of other members of the Government to multilateral events.

In relation to international cooperation, the Department defines and coordinates the actions for development. International aid includes voluntary contributions to funds and programmes, financial allocations to different projects presented by States or organizations, response to emergency appeals and grants to Andorran civic organizations.

Since 1993, Andorra has ratified approximately 150 multilateral conventions and is member of 27 international organizations and has joined three more organizations as an Observer Member

The work linked to conventions is an essential part of the Department of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation’s responsibilities. Every convention involves a wide-ranging technical evaluation, prepared in collaboration with the other technical ministries concerned, and likewise accurate preparation and follow-up work.