Travel to Andorra
Discover all the information related to Traveling in Andorra by visiting the official portal of the Government of Andorra.
The Principality of Andorra does not require any type of visa.
The Principality of Andorra is not a member of the Schengen Area.
Access to the Principality is made through France or Spain. Thus, any
national from a third-country travelling to Andorra must get
information from the French or Spanish Embassies or Consulates
(depending on the country of entrance) about the need of a Schengen
visa, and when deemed necessary, about the visa obtaining procedures.
When the Schengen visa is required, third-country nationals shall
apply for a double-entry or a multiple entry Schengen visa depending
on how many times you will enter the Schengen area from Andorra.